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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Empty club with light show.

What is a “Featured Performer”?

A "house performer" or "house dancer" works for a particular strip club or franchise whereas a "featured performer" tends to have their own celebrity, touring different clubs and making appearances. Every so often, clubs might bring in featured performers to…

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Arm with text "strategy".

Marketing Plan Template

[memberonly level=“Group Membership for Businesses of 2-5 individuals, Student, Individual or Solo-Preneur, PoleCon Membership”] A marketing plan is a way to think strategically about your business and then apply marketing techniques and campaigns across specific channels to address your target…

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People gather around an office table.

How to Create a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan can take many forms. At the most basic level, it is a commitment to engage with your customers and potential customers in a specific way (or set of ways) on a regular basis with the intent to…

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Handing off a paper to sign.

Model Release Form

[memberonly level=“Group Membership for Businesses of 2-5 individuals, Student, Individual or Solo-Preneur, PoleCon Membership”] A model release form is a contractual document that specifies how you can use someone's image and likeness in your marketing. This document may be very…

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Students climb in pole class.

How to Market Your Pole Studio

Check out some ideas below to increase your pole studio membership and merchandise sales while building a thriving and supportive community. Promotions to Try: Bring a friend! Pole is super social. Encourage your existing clientele to bring a friend to…

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People gather around a laptop.

What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a straightforward, yet powerful process to help you make informed, business decisions. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use this process as a planning tool for opening or…

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Individual poses at a photo shoot.

What to Expect from Paid Photoshoots

Instructors, performers, SWers and other pole businesses can all benefit from having professional photoshoots to improve their brand image! This post is focused on an individual working either in a trade photoshoot or paid photoshoot capacity. For information on building…

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