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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Students in a pole fitness class.
Consumer Corner

Looking for a pole business? Use the search function in our online Member Directory to find businesses and individuals through key words.

Read posts below in our Consumer Corner to find relevant information about how to interact with our industry and what to expect.

5 Most Common Pole Consumer Money Traps to Avoid

Pole dancing classes (compared to non-apparatus based boutique fitness classes like yoga) can be expensive. Check out these tips for…

What to look for in a pole studio as a student

Pole studios both online and in person are popping up everywhere! This is great for consumers who can “niche-down” and…

Where to Find Pole Studios Near You

There are pole studios all around the world! Check out these lists to find a studio near you:…

List of Pole Dance, Pole Fitness and Pole Sport Competitions

There are a wide variety of pole dance, pole sport and pole fitness competitions hosted around the world. All of…

5 Unofficial Rules for Ladies Night Out at the Strip Club

This post originally posted on the PoleCon Blog, written by Leah Franklin. Reposted with permission. Going out to the strip…

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