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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Pole dancer performs on stage.

How to create a budget for your pole business

The basic purpose of a budget is to understand the difference between your revenue, money coming into your business, and your expenses, money going out of your business. Understanding this information can help you adjust your expectations or your spending…

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Performer chair dancing at PoleCon.

COVID Waiver Template

[memberonly level=“Group Membership for Businesses of 2-5 individuals, Student, Individual or Solo-Preneur, PoleCon Membership”] Update this template as necessary based on the laws in your municipality. ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19   The novel…

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Pole dance stage seen through phone.

How to Run a Virtual Class

Many pole instructors and studios are switching to virtual classes to serve a global audience and to protect against the spread of infectious disease. Whether you are starting your first teaching business online, porting an in-person business to being virtual…

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Students in a pole fitness class.

Injury Report Template

[memberonly level=“Group Membership for Businesses of 2-5 individuals, Student, Individual or Solo-Preneur, PoleCon Membership”] This post contains a sample injury report form that you can use or adopt for your pole studio or business. If a student gets injured while…

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Students in a pole fitness class.

Emergency Action Plan Template

[memberonly level=“Group Membership for Businesses of 2-5 individuals, Student, Individual or Solo-Preneur, PoleCon Membership”] Emergency action plans are written procedures to deal with emergency situations (injuries, fires, etc.) specific to the location of your pole studio. In a previous post,…

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Pole dancer executes a move while wearing a leg brace.

Does Your Pole Studio Have an Emergency Action Plan?

Injuries are bound to happen in a pole studio. Pole dancers put their bodies through extreme demands including climbing, inverting, stretching, and dancing at high levels of intensity. Sure, the benefits outweigh the risks. But is your studio prepared for…

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Poles in a professional studio space

How to Pick the Right Poles for Your Pole-based Business

Selecting the right poles for your pole-based business is a fairly straightforward process.  There are a handful of companies manufacturing freestanding and mounted poles currently with more manufacturers entering the market world-wide each year. Determine your studio needs How you…

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Chair dance troupe performes on stage.

Virtual PoleCon 2020: Everything But the Performance

This workshop was part of the Virtual PoleCon 2020 event held on October 17, 2020. Everything But the Performance by Irmingard Mayer: So you’ve trained to a level where you feel ready to perform. You have the skills and creative…

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