Starting for the 2025 PoleCon event, PoleCon and the IPIA is offering three needs-based grant…

Take the Pole Industry Financial Survey!
What: to collect, analyze, and publish (for FREE on anonymous, aggregated financial data about the pole industry.
Who: all people who make a living or part of their living in the pole industry should respond. This survey is NOT for hobbyists. Don’t make money doing pole? Please skip this survey.
Why: (how YOU benefit)
- Answers help the IPIA provide targeted educational content to help you succeed.
- Answers provide data to help you financially: such as negotiating better contracts, applying for loans/grants, asking for a raise, helping new pole businesses understand the market BEFORE they start, and more!
- Answers are completely anonymous.
- Survey starts with demographics. Everyone should answer this page.
- The following pages are divided into the five IPIA-designated segments of the pole industry: studio owner, instructor, pole business (product/service/event), performer, stripper/sex worker. Answer the questions on pages that relate to your work in the pole industry and skip the rest!
- All questions are optional. Skip questions you don’t want to answer!
- Moneys referenced are in USD. Answer to the best of your ability with your currency in mind.
When: survey is open now through March 30, 2022. Data will be analyzed and shared by June 2022.