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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Image of money and text "Results from 2024 Pole Industry Financial Survey"

2024 Pole Industry Financial Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took our second pole industry financial survey! (see results from the first survey here) Our goal with collecting this data is to help people make informed decisions about their businesses in the pole industry and…

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IPIA logo with money background. Text: 2024 Pole Industry Financial Survey.

Take the 2024 Pole Industry Financial Survey!

The Pole Industry Financial Survey (PIFS) is here so we can better understand the financial information and support needed to make our industry successful, inclusive, and sustainable for all. Completing this survey helps us to protect and positively impact the…

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IPIA logo with text: Results from the Pole Industry Financial Survey.

2022 Pole Industry Financial Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took our first ever pole industry financial survey! (looking for results from then 2024 survey? Click here) This survey was created to address concerns about finances that were uncovered in our first, general survey of…

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Text: Pole industry survey results: in your words, what does the future hold? "The value of all approaches should be equal for the community to truly uphold equality and inclusivity" IPIA logo.

Results from the first Pole Industry Survey

The results from our first pole industry survey are in! …And as to be expected in a complicated industry like ours, many of the results are conflicting. The IPIA is the first trade association for the pole industry. As such,…

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