We previously looked at using Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) as a digital replacement for pole…
How to create a referral network for your pole-based business
Often, students expect pole teachers and studio owners to know everything.
But that isn’t always the case, nor should it be the expectation. In this post we’ll look at how to define and work within your scope of practice and how to develop a beneficial referral network for your pole-based business that supports you and your clients.
Understand your scope of practice
Your scope of practice is what you are qualified to do.
Are you certified or otherwise educated in how to teach pole? Great! Teaching someone how to do a fireman spin is (likely) within your scope of practice.
If someone asks you a nutrition question during your pole class, are you qualified to answer that question based on your education and experience helping others with their nutrition or are you simply sharing your personal experience with nutrition? Nutrition may be outside your scope of practice.
Your scope of practice can always be expanded by educating yourself, gaining relevant experience, or by creating a referral network of qualified professionals.
Create a referral network
A referral network is a formal or informal way of coordinating with other professionals in complimentary fields to provide support that is outside your scope of practice or your business offerings.
In pole, there are many fields or industries that could intersect with our own which might include:
- Nutritionists or Dietitians
- Wellness Experts
- Personal Trainers
- Physical Therapists or other Manual Therapists (massage, acupuncture, etc.)
- Licensed Emotional Support Therapists or Counselors
- Other Healthcare Experts
Find people that you like working with, that fit the “vibe” of your business, and follow business practices that you also support and follow. These businesses will be easiest for you to work with and will be the comfortable for your clients to work with too.
This referral network could be an informal way that you recommend a certain physical therapist when a student is injured, and they similarly would recommend you when someone asks where to go to learn pole dancing.
It could also be a more formal agreement that a referral generates you income such as a 10% “finder’s fee” for new business coming from a member in your referral network. As for most pole business related issues, always have a contract.
Support your clients, your business, and other relevant pole dance businesses
Working within your scope of practice can be hard for pole teachers and studio owners that just want to help others.
This can be further complicated by having a scarcity mentality may make you fear that if someone (and their money) goes elsewhere for help, they won’t come back to you or your studio.
Having a referral network allows you to keep providing your customers with support in a way that is ultimately safer for them. It may also have the benefit of providing you a steady stream of recommendations from other like-minded professionals or event a “finder’s fee.”
Not sure where to start building your own referral network?
Check out our partners page for business within the pole industry and in complimentary fields that support other pole businesses and pole dance professionals to get ideas. Then look for businesses in your local area for physical support needs as well as virtual experts to build your own network.
Supporting other businesses in our pole industry IS good business!