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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Pole dancer inverts as money flies through the air.

How to set up a non-profit pole-based organization

Starting a nonprofit company/organization/entity/business (all used interchangeably in this resource) is similar to setting up a for-profit company with some key differences. The information below is on the steps needed to set up a non-profit pole-based company in the US…

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Vendor being interviewed on camera.

How to Protect Your Intellectual Property

What is Intellectual property? Intellectual property is what makes you and your business unique. This could be your visual or movement arts, your methods for teaching, how you structure classes, the products in your business, how you conduct your services…

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Students in a pole dance workshop.

What is the difference between licensing and franchising?

Licensing and franchising are both different legal structures you can use to grow your pole-based business. While both of these options take time, they often take less time than having you manage multiple locations of your business and can increase…

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Students in a pole dancing class.

Using the Business Model Canvas to Illustrate Your Organization

For decades, business books and seminars have encouraged entrepreneurs to build a business plan, which usually includes an executive statement, financial projections, the organizational structure, etc. Ideally, the plan paints a picture of your business operations so that potential investors…

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Pole dancer wears jacket with the word "Boss" across the back.

How to Start Your Own Pole Business

So you want to start your own business? Maybe it’s a studio, maybe it’s creating a new grip, maybe it’s an event. You’ve got a great idea, some extra time on your hands and now you are ready to be…

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Seedling growing from a pile of money.

Business Plan Template

All businesses start in the fundamentally same way: figuring out what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Begin this conversation with yourself and your trusted support system such as a spouse or friends, formally or informally answering those questions…

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Audience at PoleCon.

Creating a Pole-based Event Business

If you are looking to create, run or found a pole-related event of any size from a studio showcase to a multi-day event, ask yourself these six questions before officially starting to build your plan and your budget: Why am…

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People gather around a laptop.

What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a straightforward, yet powerful process to help you make informed, business decisions. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use this process as a planning tool for opening or…

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