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This is not just about POLE. This is about BUSINESS.
Performer with binoculars at PoleCon.

IPIA Year in Review

The IPIA was created in 2020 to provide: Access to educational resources to start or improve your existing business. Access to networking and collaboration opportunities: live and virtual events and networking opportunities for members to share and grow together. Members…

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Virtual PoleCon logo, October 2021

Recap Virtual PoleCon 2021

The goal of this 2nd annual Virtual PoleCon was: First, to give people who were not comfortable attending or able to attend the in-person PoleCon an opportunity to participate. Second, to continue supporting the pole business community through education and…

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Pole Dancer disrobes during performance at PoleCon.

Why you need a contract for basically everything

The pole industry can often feel like a very friendly place. And friends don’t ask friends for contracts, right? You’re *just* supposed to trust each other, right? WRONG! The very best thing you can do for yourself, and for your…

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